[HanSaMo한사모] 每日一句學韓語 11/22。2012
[Daily Korean Conversation- In-law (Part 2) ]
Kor.시어머니: 너희들 애는 언제 가질거니?
며느리: 죄송해요, 노력중이에요.
Pin. si eo meo ni : neo hi deul ae neun eon je ga jil geo ni?
myeo neu li: je song hae yo, no lyeok jung i e yo.
Chi. : 婆婆:你們什麼時候才要生孩子啊?
Eng. : Mother-in-law: When are you guys going to have a baby?
Daughter-in-law: Sorry, we are making efforts now.
[詞彙 Vocab]
너희 你們 you
애=애기 孩子 baby; child
애기를 갖다 擁有孩子 have a child
애기를 낳다 生孩子 give birth to a child
노력 努力 make effort
[문화 文化 Culture]
옛날 며느리의 일 중 하나는 아기를 낳는 일이었다. 당연히 해야할 출산이었기에, 시어머니들이 아기를 빨리 가지길 자주
In old times, one of the things that a daughter-in-law has to do is giving birth to a child,
In old times, one of the things that a daughter-in-law has to do is giving birth to a child,
which is taken as a thing as a matter of course; in addition, mother-in-law usually asks their child and
daughter-in-law can give birth to child as soon as possible.
ex) 자기야, 우리 애기 가질까?
Dear, let's have a child, what do you say?
ex) 그래, 우리 애기 11명 낳자!!
OK, let's have 11 children!
ex) 자기야, 우리 애기 가질까?
Dear, let's have a child, what do you say?
ex) 그래, 우리 애기 11명 낳자!!
OK, let's have 11 children!
— at HanSaMo 한사모.