[HanSaMo한사모] 每日一句學韓語 10/19。2012
[Daily Korean Conversation - Sweet Words (part 5)
*부부들이 노년기에 가장 원하는 말
*The words that couples would like to hear in their old ages
Kor: 다음 세상에서도 당신하고 결혼할거야
Pin: da um se sang e seo do dang sin ha go gyeo lon hal geo ya
Chi: 到了下輩子也要和你結婚!
Eng: I'm gonna marry you even in the next life!
[詞彙 Vocab]
다음 下一個 next
세상 世界(在此指"來生")
world; but the meaning here is "the next life"
당신 你 you
결혼 結婚 marry
[문화 文化 Culture]
한국은 부부의 인연을 특별히 중요시 하기에, 다음 생에 다시
부부의 연을 맺는 것을 천생연분이라 여긴다.
People view the relationship between a husband and a wife
very seriously. In addition, if people can continue the
relationship as a husband and a wife, it would be considered
as a match made in heaven.
ex) 다음 세상에서 꼭 다시 만나요!
We have to meet in the next life!
ex) 다음 세상에서는 만나지 맙시다 !
Let's not meet each other in the next life!