

[HanSaMo한사모] 每日一句學韓語 10/15。2012

[Daily Korean Conversation - Sweet Words(part 1) ]

* Usually used when guys are expressing their hearts to girls. And this sentence usually appears in the Korean dramas and the lyric.

Kor: 넌 나의 운명, 넌 나의 전부
Pin: neon ma e wun myeong, neon na e jeon bu

Chi: 你是我的命運,你是我的全部
Eng: You are my fate, and you are everything to me.

[詞彙 Vocab]
넌 = 너는 你 you
나의 我的 my
운명 命運 fate; destiny
전부 全部 everything; whole thing

ex) 사랑해~ 넌 나의 전부야.
I love you~ you are my everything.

ex) 우리는 운명이에요.
We are meant to be the fate of each others'.
    創作者 HanSaMo 한사모 的頭像
    HanSaMo 한사모


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