‎[HanSaMo한사모] 每日一句學韓語 10/14。2012

[Daily Korean Conversation - Toady (part 3) ]

Kor: 오~ 땡큐, 내가 너 완전 사랑하는거 알지?
Pin: o~ daeng kyu, nae ga neo wan jeon sa lang ha nun geo al ji ? 
Chi:噢~ 謝謝你喔~ 你人真好 ~!!
Eng: Ohh, thank you so much. You are so sweet~!
(The excitement you have when you are asking your friend for a help, not expecting he/she is going to help you; but the friend is willing to help you out of the blue.)

[詞彙 Vocab]
땡큐 謝謝 Thank you
완전 完全 totally
사랑 愛 love
알다 知道 know

ex) 감사해요~ 형! 저 형 완전 사랑해요~ 알죠?
Thank you so much, brother! You know I really like you, don't you?^^
ex) 과장님 감사합니다 ~ 우상이에요. 완전 사랑합니다. 
Thank you so much, section chief! You are my idol, and I love you so much!!

 — at HanSaMo 한사모.

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    HanSaMo 한사모


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