[ HanSaMo한사모] 每日一句學韓語08/14。2013] 

[ 이런 표현 어떻게 쓸까요? ] 
[ 怎麼使用這種表達方式呢? How to use this kind of expression? ] 

*표현 : 왜 안하던 짓을 해 
*表達方式 : 為什麼做沒做過的事情?
*Expression : Why you did something that you've ever done before?

A: 너 요즘 왜 그래? 안 하던 짓도 하고.
B: 지난번 사고난 후로 자꾸 이러네
A: 사고 후유증 같은데..
B: 그런가 ?내일 병원 가볼게

A: neo yojeum woe geurae? an hadeon jitdo hago
B: jinanbeon sagonan huro jaggu ireone
A: sago huyujeung gateunde
B: geureonga ? naeil byeonwon gabolge

A: 你最近怎麼了?還做以前沒做過的事情?
B: 發生上次的事故後總是這樣耶~
A: 好像是事故後遺症耶...
B: 是嗎? 明天去醫院看看

A: What's wrong with you? You even did something that you've ever done before!
B: Since the accident which was happened last time, I've been doing like this..
A: It seems like an aftereffect.
B: Really? I will go to the hospital tomorrow.

[詞彙 단어 Vocabulary] 
사고 후유증 事故後遺症 aftereffect of an accident
왜 이래? 為什麼要這樣? Why you did this?

안 하던 짓을 하다 做沒做過的事情 do something that you never do

그런가? 是嗎? Really?

병원에 가 보다 去醫院看看 go to the hospital

[보충설명 補充說明 supplement] 
"안하던 짓을 하다 "

친한 사이에서만 쓸 수 있는 말투이다.

평소에 안하던 짓을 할때, 자주 이 말을 쓴다




"do something that someone never do before"

It's a way of speaking that can be used only the relationship between two people is very closed.

When someone does something he/she never do before, we use this saying a lot.

[생활에서 이렇게 써 보자 在生活中這樣用看看吧! Let's use it like this in our daily lives ] 

1. 친구가 사랑해라고 한다면
" 왜 그래? 안하던 짓을 하고" 

1. 如果朋友說"我愛你"時


1. If your friend said "I love you"

"What's wrong with you? You even do something you never do before!"
 — at HanSaMo 한사모.

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    HanSaMo 한사모


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