[ HanSaMo한사모] 每日一句學韓語08/10。2013]
[ 이런 표현 어떻게 쓸까요? ]
[ 怎麼使用這種表達方式呢? How to use this kind of expression? ]
*표현 : 코가 막히고, 눈이 막히고 , 기가 막힌다
*表達方式 : 鼻子不通、眼睛被蒙蔽、身體裡的氣也堵住了
*Expression : Someone's nose is stopped up, his eyes is also blocked, and the air in his body is also blocked.
A: 대통령이 돈을 횡령했대~~
B: 진짜? 에이 씨~~ 나 괜히 그 사람 뽑았어.
A: 진짜 코가 막히고, 눈이 막히고, 기가 막힌다
B: 앞으로는 잘 보고 투표하자.
A: daetongryeongi doneul hwoeng ryeong haeddae
B: jinjja? ei ssi ~ na gwaeni geu saram bbobasseo
A: jinjja koga makigo, nuni makigo, giga makinda.
B: apeuroneun jal bogo tupyo haja.
A: 聽說總統盜用公款耶~~
B: 真的嗎?真的是~!!!害我還白白投了那個人一票
A: 真的是全身毛孔都被堵住了耶! (*指過於驚訝以至於全身神經都麻痺了)
B: 以後看仔細再投票吧!
A: I heard that the president embezzled money~~
B: Really? What the hell~!! I even voted him!
A: The all pores and holes are blocked! (*It means someone is too shocked that his nerves in his body are all paralyzed.)
B: Let's consider carefully before voting someone in the future.
[詞彙 단어 Vocabulary]
대통령 總統 president
돈을 횡령하다 盜用錢財 embezzle money
잘 보다 看仔細 take a look carefully
투표하다 投票 vote
코가 막히다 指無法呼吸 it means someone can't breathe
[보충설명 補充說明 supplement]
" 코가 막히고, 눈이 막히고 , 기가 막히다 " 는
코가 막혀 숨을 못 쉬고, 눈이 막혀 앞을 못 보고, 기가 막혀 몸에서 기가 흐르지 않는다.
즉, 너무 놀래서 모든 몸의 신경이 마비가 되는 것을 과장해서 말하는 말투이다.
" The nose is stopped up, the eyes are blocked, and the air in one's body is also blocked"
Someone can't breathe because of his nose is stopped up; he can't see anything because his eyes are blocked; the air in his body can't flow because it's blocked.
That is, it's an exaggerate way to describe someone feels very shocked because of something that the nerves in his whole body are paralyzed.
[생활에서 이렇게 써 보자 在生活中這樣用看看吧! Let's use it like this in our daily lives ]
1. 어린 애가 담배필 때.
" 요즘 코가 막히고, 눈이 막히고, 기가 막힌다 "
1. 小孩子抽菸時
1. When young people are smoking
"Anything could happen lately!(*Because someone is too shock that the nerves in his body are paralyzed.)" — at HanSaMo 한사모.
- Aug 10 Sat 2013 12:02
[ HanSaMo한사모] 每日一句學韓語08/10。2013]