[ HanSaMo한사모] 每日一句學韓語08/06。2013]
[ 이런 표현 어떻게 쓸까요? ]
[ 怎麼使用這種表達方式呢? How to use this kind of expression? ]
*표현 : 찜통이 따로 없구나
*表達方式 : 跟蒸爐沒什麼兩樣嘛~
*Expression : There's no difference between the steamer and the weather like this
A: 정말 덥죠?
B: 네~ 찜통이 따로 없네요.
A: 이건 사람을 찜통에 넣고 찌는 것 같네요
B: 아~ 더워서 살 수가 없어요
A: jeongmal deopjyo?
B: ne~ jjimtongi ddaro eopneyo
A: igeon sarameul jjimtonge neoko jjineun geoy gatneyo
B: a ~ deoweoseo sal suga eopseoyo
A: 真的很熱,對吧?
B: 是阿~真的跟蒸爐沒什麼兩樣呢!
A: 這跟把人放在蒸爐裡蒸根本是一樣的。
B: 啊~ 熱到不能生活了~
A: It's hot, isn't it?
B: Yeah~ There's no difference between steamer and the weather like this.
A: It's the same as putting people in a steamer.
B: Oh~ It's so hot to live~
[詞彙 단어 Vocabulary]
덥죠 很熱吧? It's hot, isn't it?
찜통 蒸爐 steamer
찜을 찌다 蒸東西 steam something
살 수가 없다 無法生活 can't live
[보충설명 補充說明 supplement ]
" 찜통이 따로 없네요 " 는
찜을 하는 요리처럼 찜통이네요~ 라는 말이다.
"ㅇㅇ 따로 없네요"라고 말한다.
" There's no difference between the steamer and the weather like this" means " The food which is cooked by steaming in a steamer"
We use " There's no difference between ㅇㅇand xx" to express the same situation of two things.
[생활에서 이렇게 써 보자 在生活中這樣用看看吧! Let's use it like this in our daily lives ]
1. 요즘처럼 날씨가 너무 더울 때
" 요즘은 완전 찜통이야 !"
1. 像最近一樣天氣非常炎熱時
1. When the weather is scorching hot like recently
" It's like a steamer lately!" — at HanSaMo 한사모.
- Aug 06 Tue 2013 11:59
[ HanSaMo한사모] 每日一句學韓語08/06。2013]