[ HanSaMo한사모] 每日一句學韓語 06/06。2013]
[生活會話 - 외국인 에피소드 6]
[Daily Conversation - 外國人事件 6 The episode of foreigner 6]

상황: 잘못된 작별
狀況: 錯誤的離別
Situation: The wrong parting

A: 줄리아, 그동안 수고 많았어
B: 헐~ 병주고 약주네
A: 또 올거지?
B: 너같으면 다시 오겠니?

A: 조심히 가

B: 간다! 가! 

A: Julia, geudongan sugo manasseo
B: heol~ byeong jugo yak june

A: ddo olgeoji? 

B: neo gateu myeon dasi ogenni?

A: josimhi ga

B: ganda ! ga!

A: 茱莉亞,過去那段時間辛苦了
B: 痾~真的是給人一巴掌之後又給糖吃耶

A: 你會再來吧?

B: 如果是你的話,你會再來嗎?

A: 一路順風

B: 我走了~你也走吧!

A: Julia, you made a lot of efforts for the past days. 
B: Um~ Are you pretending nothing happened and acting good after something happened?
A: You will come again, won't you?

B: If it was you, would you come again?

A: Safe trip

B: I'm leaving~ You leave too!

[詞彙 단어 Vocabulary]

잘못된 錯誤的 wrong

작별 離別 parting

병 病(這裡指不好的對待) disease ( the meaning here is the bad treatment to someone)

약 藥(這裡指好的對待) treatment (the meaning here is the good treatment to someone)

너같으면 如果是你的話 if it was you

[文化 문화 culture]

" 병주고 약준다 " 
한국의 속담으로 병을 줘서 아프게 하더니
약을 주고 낫게 한다는 말이다.
즉, 아프게 해놓고 약주고 챙겨주는것을 비웃는 말이다.


"Pretend something didn't happen and give someone good things afterwards"
It's a idiom of Korean, which means give someone hurts and make him/her feel pain;
after that, the person give him/her medicine to make him/her feel better.
That is, it's a saying to smock at making someone hurt and take care of him/her afterwards.
 — at HanSaMo 한사모.

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    HanSaMo 한사모


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