[HanSaMo한사모] 每日一句學韓語 11/24。2012
[Daily Korean Conversation- In-law (Part 4) ]
Kor.시어머니: 넌 시집 올 때 혼수 없이 오더니, 뭐하나 제대로 하는게 없니?
며느리: 그땐 필요없다고 하셨잖아요, 너무하세요.
Pin. si eo meo ni : neon si jip ol ddae hon su eop si p deo ni, mo ha na je de ro ha neun ge eop ni?
myeo neu li: geu ddaen pi lyo eop da go ha ssyeo ja na yo. neo mu ha se yo.
Chi. : 婆婆:你嫁過來的時候都已經帶嫁妝了,沒有一件事情是可以好好完成的嗎?
Eng. : Mother-in-law: You hadn't brought any dowry already when you got married, is there anything that you
can do?
Daughter-in-law: You said it's not necessary that time. It is so unreasonable.
[詞彙 Vocab]
시집올 때 嫁人時 when marry the husband
혼수 嫁妝 dowry; wedding present
제대로 하는게 없다 好好完成的事情一件都沒有 done nothing well
그땐 當時 that time; then
필요없다 不需要 no need to
[문화 文化 Culture]
한국도 결혼을 할 때는 결혼선물을 하는 관습이 있다.
현대에는 간편하게 진행하는 경우가 많은데, 대만의 예물과 같은 의미이다.
In Korea, people usually buy wedding presents as a habit.
Nowadays, people usually make it simple when preparing these kind of things. It is the same as a gift
Chi. : 婆婆:你嫁過來的時候都已經帶嫁妝了,沒有一件事情是可以好好完成的嗎?
Eng. : Mother-in-law: You hadn't brought any dowry already when you got married, is there anything that you
can do?
Daughter-in-law: You said it's not necessary that time. It is so unreasonable.
[詞彙 Vocab]
시집올 때 嫁人時 when marry the husband
혼수 嫁妝 dowry; wedding present
제대로 하는게 없다 好好完成的事情一件都沒有 done nothing well
그땐 當時 that time; then
필요없다 不需要 no need to
[문화 文化 Culture]
한국도 결혼을 할 때는 결혼선물을 하는 관습이 있다.
현대에는 간편하게 진행하는 경우가 많은데, 대만의 예물과 같은 의미이다.
In Korea, people usually buy wedding presents as a habit.
Nowadays, people usually make it simple when preparing these kind of things. It is the same as a gift
presented to the family of the husband-to-be/bride-to-be in Taiwan.
ex) 자기야, 우리 결혼할 때 혼수하지 말아요. 그냥 결혼해요.
Dear, don't prepare the wedding present when we get married, just hod a matrimonial ceremony.
ex) 자기야, 우리 결혼할 때 혼수하지 말아요. 그냥 결혼해요.
Dear, don't prepare the wedding present when we get married, just hod a matrimonial ceremony.
— at HanSaMo 한사모.