[HanSaMo한사모] 每日一句學韓語 10/9。2012
天氣開始變冷了, 該準備狐狸圍巾了*^^*
It's getting colder and it's time to prepare a scarf made by "fox"! *^^*
So what does this sentence actually mean?
[Daily Korean Conversation - Loneliness part 2(Guy)]
Chi :
A : 阿~好冷喔, 該準備狐狸圍巾了
B : 我幫你介紹一隻狐狸嗎?
A : Oh, it's so cold. I think it's time to prepare a scarf made by a
(The "fox" in this sentence actually means "women"; and the
real meaning of this sentence is that A wants to get a girl friend
before the weather is getting colder.)
B : Do you want me to introduce you one?
(This sentence means that B is asking A if he wants B to
introduce any girl to him or not.)
A:아~ 춥다, 여우목도리 장만해야겠는데~
B : 여우 하나 소개해 줄까?
A:a ~ cup da, yeo u mok do li jang man hae ya gen num de ~
B : yeo u ha na so gae hae jul ka ?
[詞彙 Vocab]
여우 狐狸 fox
목도리 圍巾 scarf
크리스마스 聖誕節 Christmas
준비하다 準備 prepare
ex) A:크리스마스가 오기전에 여우목도리 준비하자
B: 나 준비안해! 여우목도리 너무 비싸!
A: Let's get a scarf made by fox before Christmas!
B: I'm not going to prepare that! It costs too much!
( What B means is that if he has a girlfriend, he will spend
too much money than he stays single.)
[文化 Culture]
In Korea, it is very cold in winter. In addition, people start to find a girlfriend or a boyfriend before winter comes. Therefore, this kind of daily used sentences appears.
The sentence of today is for guys who want to make a girlfriend;
and we taught how to say in a way as a girl last time already.
— at HanSaMo 한사모.