
天氣開始變冷了, 兩肋也好冷喔~ *^^*
It's getting colder, and I feel the both sides of my ribs are cold too~ *^^*
So what does this sentence actually mean?

[Daily Korean Conversation - Loneliness part 1]

A : 阿~好冷喔, 肋也好冷喔~
B : 我幫你介紹一隻狼嗎?
A: Ohh~ It's so cold, and my feel my ribs are cold too~
(This sentence means “The weather is cold therefore A feels
lonelier than usual.”)
B: Do you want me to introduce a wolf to you?
(This sentence means B is asking A if she wants B to introduce a
guy for her or not.)
A:아~ 춥다, 옆구리도 시리고~
B : 늑대 하나 소개해 줄까?
A:a ~ chup da, yeop gu li do si li go~
B : nuk dae ha na so gae hae jul ka ?

[詞彙 Vocab]
춥다, 시리다 冷 cold
옆구리 肋 rib
늑대 狼 wolf
소개해 주다 介紹給(別人) introduce A to B

ex) 나 너무 추워~~ 남자친구 소개해 줘요~
I feel so lonely~~please introduce a boy friend to me?
ex) 나 요즘 옆구리 너무 너무 너무 시리다니까!!
I told you that I've been feeling extremely lonely!

[文化 Culture]

It is very cold in winter in Korea, so people usually start to find companions (a boyfriend or a girlfriend) before winter comes. The reason is because people who don’t have a girlfriend of a boyfriend will feel more lonely and lonesome especially when seeing couples walking on the street, holding each other’s hands, hugging each other and feel the warmness from the other. That's why this kind of daily used conversation appears in order to express people who want to find a boyfriend or a girlfriend.

And today's sentence is for females;
And I will teach everyone how to say in a guy's way tomorrow.

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    HanSaMo 한사모


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