[HanSaMo한사모] 每日一句學韓語 10/30。2012
[Daily Korean Conversation]
상황: 할로윈축제
Situation: Halloween
Kor. A:엄마, 할로윈이 뭐예요?
B:모두 괴물 변장을 하는 날이야
Pin. A:eom ma, hal lo win i mo e yo?
B:mo du goe mul byeon jang eul ha neun na li ya.
Chi. A:媽媽,什麼是萬聖節?
Eng. A: Mom, what is Halloween?
B: It's a day that people put on makeup and costume to disguise themselves as monsters.
[詞彙 Vocab]
할로윈 萬聖節 Halloween
변장 變裝 put on makeup
괴물 怪物 monster
스파이더맨 蜘蛛人 spider man
ex) 모두 다 같이 변장해요.
Let's put on the makeup~
ex) 스파이더맨으로 변장해요.
Disguise myself as a spider man.
Pin. A:eom ma, hal lo win i mo e yo?
B:mo du goe mul byeon jang eul ha neun na li ya.
Chi. A:媽媽,什麼是萬聖節?
Eng. A: Mom, what is Halloween?
B: It's a day that people put on makeup and costume to disguise themselves as monsters.
[詞彙 Vocab]
할로윈 萬聖節 Halloween
변장 變裝 put on makeup
괴물 怪物 monster
스파이더맨 蜘蛛人 spider man
ex) 모두 다 같이 변장해요.
Let's put on the makeup~
ex) 스파이더맨으로 변장해요.
Disguise myself as a spider man.
— at HanSaMo 한사모.